What is Off-Page SEO? Are you doing it?

what is off-page SEO

There are two SEO parts to ranking on Google. If you’re struggling to rank, it could be that you’re focusing on one type rather than incorporating both simultaneously. So, what are the two types of optimizations? Off-page SEO and on-page SEO. Based on the title, you may have guessed that on-page SEO is more often […]

Is it Real or is it AI?

AI Detector

Have you ever seen a crazy picture going around social media or images of a celebrity doing something shocking? Do you fall into the trap, or do you take a step back and wonder if it may be AI? These days, it can be incredibly difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not on the […]

LinkedIn Update: Algorithm Changes Outlined

LinkedIn Updates

Like most social platforms, LinkedIn continues to update and improve its algorithm. Shifting from the traditional time-based content delivery, LinkedIn is now providing a more personalized content matchmaking experience. The latest feed update aims to deliver content that’s not just recent but truly relevant to each individual user’s interests and professional journey. Imagine logging into […]

Mission Statements that Encourage Conversion

Mission Statements

Every interaction counts when it comes to running a business, and the competition out there can be fierce. A well-crafted mission statement can really set you apart, guiding potential customers to you based on what makes you unique from all the other brands out there. In this aspect, mission statements can be a powerful tool […]

How to Create a Google Business Profile Video

How to Create a Google Business Profile Video

You may have heard about Google Business Profiles and the importance of having a video. While you may not have the ability to record a high-quality video about your business, you can create one with Canva. A Google Business Profile (GBP) is a way for businesses to showcase who they are, what they do, where […]