Apple’s Generative AI Expected Later This Year

Apple's Generative AI

Imagine what we could do with generative AI integrated into Apple’s software. For most of us, a smartphone, commonly an iPhone, comes with us everywhere we go. We rely on it for hundreds of tasks daily. If it’s not a phone, then it’s an iPad or a laptop. Now, think about what we could do […]

Is it Real or is it AI?

AI Detector

Have you ever seen a crazy picture going around social media or images of a celebrity doing something shocking? Do you fall into the trap, or do you take a step back and wonder if it may be AI? These days, it can be incredibly difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not on the […]

Bard Chatbot Image Creation: Everything You Need to Know

Bard Chatbot Image Creation

Can’t find the right image for your social media post? Having trouble finding the right picture to go along with your article? Try out Bard’s new image creation. With this update, you can provide a detailed description and in return, you’ll get the exact (or pretty similar) image you were on the hunt for. Last […]

Limitations of AI-Generated Content and The Importance of Human Touch

AI Generated Content

Although artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are popular, the age-old saying “a personal touch makes all the difference” still holds true. As AI technologies continue to transform industries and streamline processes, it’s important not to overlook the irreplaceable value of the human touch. The Appeal of AI in Content Creation AI promises efficiency, scalability, and […]

AI Tools for Digital Marketing Success

AI Tools for Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence enhances our marketing capabilities and accomplishes the work in a much shorter amount of time. Understanding what tools to use and when will help you elevate business success. The world we live in today is advancing quickly, and AI’s intricate web of potential is creating an entirely new marketing landscape. You can open […]