
Fusion One MarketingYour brand is the sum of what people think, feel, and remember when they encounter your business. Beyond fonts, company colors, and a logo, your brand is your reputation, and your reputation is one of your greatest assets. A well-designed brand strategy is one of the most cost-effective ways to increase awareness from your prospects, and pique their interest.

Whether you need to revamp your current brand strategy or develop a whole new identity, we’ll develop and execute a plan that clearly defines your brand’s message, and pulls customers in.


Custom-Designed Logos

One important piece to your brand that represents the symbol of your company is your logo. Your logo is one of the first and last impressions you make with a customer. That is why you should invest in a high-quality design that genuinely reflects your image. Here are the main advantages to a custom-designed logo:

It’s The Face Of  Your Business

A good logo should draw your customers in and be memorable. It’s the identity and symbol of your brand and should appeal to your customers.  If customers like your logo, they’re more likely to wear it on apparel and become walking advertisements for your business. Your logo should reflect who you are and distinguish your brand from everyone else. This is why it’s important to consider your demographics, colors, values, and image when designing your logo.

Our creative team will design a logo that aligns with your brand’s personality and the customer persona you’re targeting.

It’s Professionally Designed

A great logo can only take you so far if you don’t have the right files or format to use it.  Ever seen a blurry logo on a company’s website? Not ideal.

It’s equally important to ensure your logo is legible no matter the size. Your logo may look good on paper, but what about everywhere else? You also want to make sure your logo is transferable on any platform or promo material. Some formats are ideal for print, while others are optimal for web use or apparel.

Whether it’s in your store, on a mug, on the internet, or on a t-shirt, we make sure your logo design looks great no matter where you showcase it. Our team of graphic designers will ensure that your logo is created on the proper design software so that it can easily be resized without ever compromising the resolution.  We also provide multiple files and formats so that your logo can be used across any platform needed to maximize your branding.

It Builds Brand Recognition

Fusion One MarketingYour logo should represent the tone of your business. Visual identity plays an important role in the eyes of customers. While it’s important to build trust by providing a good product and service, your brand and logo are also what customers are saying about you. So it’s important your logo represents the image you want to give customers.

We design logos that help build brand recognition and remind customers of who you are and why they value you. We understand that your logo can have a major impact on how memorable – or forgettable- your brand is to a customer.  This is why our logo designs are carefully crafted to represent the trademark of your business.


Branded Videos

Video is an effective marketing tool and a trend that’s undoubtedly not slowing down.  Video works because it’s versatile, reliable, and memorable. It’s also the preferred method of content for nearly every audience and demographic.

Branded videos are your elevator pitch to your audience. It’s your brand’s identity worked into a short, yet powerful video that grabs attention and invokes action. A branded video comes in many forms, but its purpose is always the same; to translate your company’s message and drive more business.

Branded videos have amazing potential to increase your customer base. They are an essential tool for your digital marketing strategy; whether you need to build on your brand’s reputation, increase awareness, or sell your product.

Many small business owners understand that video is a critical piece to any successful marketing campaign, but lack the resources or creatively to generate a high-quality video that delivers results. That’s where we come in.

Branded Social Media Videos

With billions of daily users across social media, getting likes and shares isn’t enough to get your brand out to a large audience. Social media platforms are the perfect forum to use video to grab the attention of your potential customers and boost your brand. Not only are they more engaging than still images, but social platforms give videos more priority in their newsfeed algorithms.

We create social media videos with the intent to promote your products, services, company, and overall brand. Additionally, we can develop a marketing plan to gear your videos to a specific audience through paid ads on social media. With this strategy, we develop an ad campaign that targets key demographics within social media. By pinpointing your ideal customers, we can effectively get your video in front of the right eyes which leads to better conversions.

Promotional Videos

Chances are you’ve visited at least one or two websites that have welcomed you with a video on its homepage or one of its service pages. Promotional videos are so powerful because they provide the customer with an instant introduction to your company. They are designed to tell the story of your business and give the viewer a better understanding of your brand.

Promotional video often presents your products or services with a soft pitch to simply plant a seed of interest in what you have to offer. Our promo videos are designed to add a personal touch to your website or other platforms. We help portray your business in a unique and positive way, leading your target audience toward the early stages of the buying process.


Social Media Banners

Social Media banners are the large cover images at the top of your social pages and are essentially the digital storefront sign of your business. The aim of social media banners is to grab the attention of your users with a beautiful design and provide extra branding space for your business. Social platforms are another digital space to help drive sales, and your social media banner is another tool to have in your arsenal.

Each social media platform has its own unique image size and format, and these dimensions are constantly updating. You want your banners to display properly on each platform, as well as on every device, so creating a banner ad with the right dimensions and resolutions is absolutely essential.  It’s important that you not only know the required dimension size for each platform but that you stay up-to-date with the changes.

branding your banners

Branded Social Media Banners

We develop social media banners that grab attention and add another level of professionalism to your business. We take the guesswork out of keeping current with all the social platform’s specifications. Our team will design cover images specific to each channel and load them on your behalf.

Whether your business is on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or elsewhere, we design banners with eye-catching graphics and high-resolution images. We also create banners that drive your business’s specific objectives and add value to your ideal customer.  We also add another element of personalization by incorporating your brand’s logo on every designed banner.

Social Media banners shouldn’t be stagnant either. We can periodically update your banner so that your brand stays relevant and consistent at all times. Whether you want to promote a new product or service, recognize company milestones, or drive specific calls to action, we can switch out your banner to highlight specific events around your company.


Live Stream Graphics

Brand Your Broadcasts

branding livestream graphicsLive stream and video broadcasting are a staple for many businesses owners and entrepreneurs. Improved technology has made it seamless to conduct virtual events and better communication with audiences.

Custom graphics are a great way to add a polished look and professionalism to your broadcast. Live stream graphics such as overlays, banners, lower-thirds, and backgrounds help you move the narrative of your broadcast along and enhance the quality of your live stream.

Improved User Experience

Our graphics improve user experience by highlighting specific talking points within your broadcast to keep viewers engaged. By adding titles, displaying your social media platforms, or highlighting the guests on your show, the right graphics help viewers stay on point and easily digest your message.

Branding Your Broadcast

All our graphics are custom designed to the look and feel of your brand. Share your vision with our team, and we’ll bring your design to life. From the logo placement to the overall layout, we’ll help you stand out with your own unique style.

We can also create intro and outro videos for your broadcast to help build your brand and hook your audience in. Intro videos are great visuals to viewers and a smart way to build on your brand messaging. Similarly, outro videos are a great way to close out your broadcast and include a call to action. A clear opening and a thoughtful closing are two added features that make for a more captivating broadcast.

Added Production Value

Whether it’s promoting a product, highlighting topic points, or even something as simple as labeling the guests on your broadcast, custom graphics are an effective way to enhance the quality of your live stream. Custom graphics deliver visual content to your broadcast and make for a more professional and engaging video for your audience.

Easy Application

Professional graphics shouldn’t be exclusive just to the pros. Whether you’re just getting started or are a live stream pro, everyone should have access to professional and affordable designs. Each graphic is designed with the specific dimensions required for live platforms. Our designs integrate with many leading video platforms, which means they can be easily uploaded into your broadcast.


How We Can Help

Every business has a message, and your brand is the blueprint for how you want others to see you.  Brand strategy is a critical piece for building your image, and we know how to get it done. Through our brand marketing techniques, we’ll bring awareness to your business by connecting the values and voice of your company with the right audience.   Even if you’re having a brand identity crisis, we know the right questions to ask to discover the purpose and message behind your brand.  Whether it’s a new logo, promotional video, or just consistent graphic design, we’ll help your business effectively reach your ideal audience and inspire action.


Branding FAQs

What does branding mean?
I have a logo, isn’t that my brand?
Where do I start if I want to create my brand?
How do I increase my brand awareness?

Craft Your Unique Brand Identity

Elevate your business with a distinctive brand that speaks volumes. Fill out the form below to explore how our creative strategies can enhance your brand awareness and connect deeply with your audience.
