DIY Template Sites vs Custom-Built Websites

Fusion One Marketing

Thinking about investing in a new website for your business? Once you have made the decision, one question remains…should you go with a custom-built website or use a DIY template for your site? Which path best suits your business? Are there any major differences? We’re covering it all to help you decide! To learn more […]

Should You Start a Podcast in 2021?

Fusion One Marketing

Podcasting is an industry that is growing exponentially in 2021. With mobile podcasts taking the media world by storm, you may be wondering if you should start your own podcast. Is there even enough room for you? Today we wanted to speak to this and help you answer those two questions. If you’ll stick with […]

Optimize Your Website for Voice Search in 2021

Voice search 2021

It’s 2021, and voice search is taking the internet by storm. Amazon Alexa, Siri, and other voice search assistants are transforming the way people use technology. All signs point to it growing exponentially, with an expected 9.7% increase to 122 million users in 2021. What was once a luxury or rarity is now commonplace, and […]