Evergreen Content: What It Is and How To Create It

evergreen content

Evergreen content is content that stays relevant throughout time. It revolves around topics that are still useful, informative, and relatable to readers. As a result, evergreen content tends to be shared, ranked, and referenced over and over. By staying “fresh,” it continues to drive traffic long after it’s published, giving you a nice boost in […]

Google Ad Trends That Will Put You On Top

Google ad

How will new privacy guidelines, improved machine learning and automation, and other significant Google trends impact your online ads? We will walk through some new Google Ad capabilities, so you can put your best foot forward when creating impactful ads. Welcome to Marketing and a Mic. We’re here to give you various digital marketing tips, […]

Google Posts: A Beginner’s Guide

google posts

If you’ve already set up your Google Business Profile, good for you. Having a GBP is a major step in your business being found on the internet. Now you can utilize one of the more simple and direct ways to connect with your customer: Google Business Profile Posts. In this article, we’re going to dive […]