Have you noticed that regular websites are almost impossible to navigate on your mobile phone? You have to stretch it here and there, move it all around to try to find the information you need, and wait forever while the images load! If you are one of the millions of people who use their mobile phone for everything, including looking for the nearest store of choice, you know exactly what I mean.
If you are a local business and you haven’t considered how this could affect your bottom line – you need to! Go ahead: take a minute to look at your website on a mobile phone. How does it look? Now, think about all the potential customers that did the same thing only to get frustrated and go to the next business in search of what they need. Think about the impact this could have on your business. If on-the-go people (which we all are these days) can’t get the information they are looking for easily from their cell phone, you will start losing more and more business!
Mobile is no longer the exception, it is the rule! You need to make sure your business is mobile ready and available to “today’s” consumers. Responsive websites are the most effective way to achieve this goal. A responsive website automatically adjusts to the size of the screen it is viewed from. It gives the customer access to information they need quickly like directions, contact information, one touch calling, social media sharing and anything else they need at their fingertips.
If you are ready to move into the mobile revolution, we can help you. Please give us a call and we can answer all of your responsive website questions.
To Your Success!
Fusion One Marketing