Does Social Media Have Any Impact on SEO?

social media seo

The world of marketing is fast and complicated. So many times, new clients come to us confused. They aren’t sure how everything in their marketing efforts fits together or affects the other aspects of their marketing strategy. If this is where you find yourself, you are not alone. As a small business owner, your first […]

How to Find Your Marketing Focus

marketing focus

This show is about discovering which marketing tactics are best for your business. We’re going to walk through all the steps necessary to build the right strategy and share some key questions that will help you find the right marketing focus for your business. To learn more about our marketing services, visit: Facebook: […]

Marketing Changes for 2022

Fusion One Marketing

This week we are discussing what will change in marketing in 2022: the good, the bad, and the ugly. First, let’s go over the positive changes we expect to see this coming year.   Direct to consumer e-commerce segments will continually see a boost in sales and traffic from digital marketing. Consumer e-commerce sales, including […]