Biz Talk with Kerri Bailey of Child’s Play Therapy Center

Kerri Bailey joins our “WiFi Studio” to talk about Child’s Play Therapy Center, a comprehensive pediatric therapy center dedicated to giving children the best care possible in a fun and loving environment.

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Sarah: Good morning, everyone! It’s Friday, it’s a sunny day. We’ve got a great guest. Welcome to BizTalk.

Glyna: Hello, everybody. It’s a great day in the Fusion One lounge. I’m Glyna Humm, and over here we have our marketing guru, Sarah Gilliland.

Sarah: Good morning.

Glyna: At Fusion One we specialize in getting companies more calls and more business. Then we started BizTalk so that we could highlight all of those businesses that we love and get some of their tips that everybody can use. But before we get started, I’m going to have Sarah put up where you can find us. Every Friday morning, we are live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, and the replays are on all of our channels and don’t forget our podcast at Marketing and a Mic. All right, we are all over the place. Today we are so excited for our guest. She’s going to have so much great information for all of you, especially you parents out there. I want to welcome Kerri Bailey with Child’s Play Therapy Center. Good morning, Kerri.

Kerri Bailey: Good morning! Thanks for having me today!

Glyna: Well, thanks for coming on, because like I said, I’ve known you for years and I know there’s so much information that you have that’s very important right now, especially. We’re really excited to have you with us today.

Kerri Bailey: Thank you!

Glyna: We’ll just go ahead and dive right in. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about your background?

Kerri Bailey: Okay. Well, I’m an occupational therapist. I started out working with adults many, many years ago. Then my heart was always to work with children, so when I had an opportunity to do that I jumped on it. I worked for about 15 years as an occupational therapist in the local public school system, and then I decided I wanted to branch out and start my own business. I started a company called Ability Resources and worked on my own with that for a couple of years. Then I joined up with my friend, Deborah Boswell, who’s a speech pathologist. She had her own separate business and we combined our practices, and that was in 2007 and formed Child’s Play Therapy Center. That’s kind of how Child’s Play got started and we just haven’t looked back ever since then.

Glyna: Awesome! See? I learned something new about you. We’ve known each other for, gosh, I don’t know, ten years? It’s probably longer than I think, but that’s interesting. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard your beginning story.

Kerri Bailey: My story, yep.

Sarah: Yeah. I was reading your background on your website and it’s incredibly impressive.

Kerri Bailey: Oh, thank you.

Sarah: Tell us a little bit more about Child’s Therapy and all the services that you provide.

Kerri Bailey: Yeah. The primary services that we offer are speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. We also offer counseling services. We see a wide range of children. A lot of people mistakenly might think that we only see children who have severe disabilities, children with multiple impairments, and that’s not the case. If you were to walk into our building, you would see children that when you look at them you would never even know that they had an issue that needed therapy. We see children who have very, very mild concerns, but if you’re the parent, it’s not mild, it’s important to you. We see a very wide range of children. We see all ages of children, all the way from birth all the way up through the teen years. The services that we offer, just a little bit about those services, I’ll start with speech therapy, most people have a pretty good idea of what speech therapy is. A speech therapist would work with a child who had any type of language delay, so maybe your child is two or three and they’re not picking up words as they should, or they’re not understanding what you say to them or really a child of any age who’s delayed with their language. Then also children, and this is what a lot of people think of with traditional speech therapy, is children that have articulation problems, and so maybe they’re difficult to understand. That would be our speech therapy services. Then physical therapy, most people know physical therapy from an adult standpoint. With children, a physical therapist would work with a child who has motor delays, they’re not meeting their motor milestones, maybe they’re not walking when they should or crawling when they should. Or then for older children, we work with children that have toe walking, it’s kind of a common, but you don’t think of it that much. But children that walk around on their tippy-toes, our physical therapists address that. Any type of difficulties with the back or the hips, our physical therapists would address that. They do work some with children that have had injuries too, like sports injuries and that type of thing. Then occupational therapy, which is what I am, is the most misunderstood of the three, nobody knows what occupational therapy is. But if you think about what are the occupations for children, a child’s occupations are things like learning to care for themselves, learning to do the things they need to do to be independent. Then school is a child’s occupation and all the things that you think of related to school success and being able to participate fully in everything that involves school. Then thirdly is play, and play is probably the most important occupation for children. If a child is struggling with full participation in any of those areas, maybe they have delays in their fine motor skills, which is making it a struggle for them at school, maybe their social interactions are poor with other children. Also, sensory impairment is a big thing that occupational therapists address, so maybe environments that are loud or very overwhelming to children. Or we see children that get very stuck on one type of clothes, they’ll only wear this particular type of T-shirt because everything else is scratchy. Or picky eaters is another area. When we say picky eaters, we’re not just talking about a kid that won’t eat broccoli, we’re talking about they eat Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets and orange soda and that’s it, and we’re trying to expand their diet. That’s kind of in a nutshell what our three services do. Then counseling is a service that we’ve recently added. We really wanted to expand our mental health services because children experience anxiety and fear and depression just like adults do, they just express it in different ways, and so our counseling services addresses that. Really from the beginning, when Deborah and I combined our businesses, one of our goals was to provide sort of a one-stop-shop where a parent could find anything that their child might need under one roof, outside of medical services. That’s really the only thing that we don’t offer, is any type of medical services, but otherwise, we want to be able to provide whatever you need.

Glyna: Well, and that’s important because a parent may notice that there’s something that may not quite be right or might be a little bit off, they have no idea where to start. It’s so good that you offer all of those things so they can trust that and not think, “Well, I don’t know if they can handle this or not,” so I think that’s great to be more well-rounded.

Kerri Bailey: Yeah, sometimes a parent will call us and of course one of the first questions we ask is “what are your concerns?”, and the parent doesn’t even know what type of therapy they need. They just know that their child is struggling in a certain aspect of life. Then when we talk through it, we can guide them in the right direction.

Glyna: Perfect. Well, we have a couple of people joining us this morning, a couple of early birds here. We have Roxie Kelley, she says good morning. We also have Steve Johnson joining us. He was on a couple of weeks ago. I’ll say good morning to both of you and thanks for tuning in. Well, Kerri, I know that you have several locations. Where are those locations, and tell us a little bit about what’s going on with each one of them?

Kerri Bailey: Okay. Well, our main location, our largest location, is in Hoover. We have about 8,000 square feet of space there. We’re in the Georgetown Place building on the corner of Lorna Road and Georgetown Drive. Then we have a location out in Chelsea, which is our newest location. It’s only about two years old. It’s right off of 280, behind the Winn-Dixie in Chelsea. Then we have a location in Huntsville, and our Huntsville location has some exciting growth going on. We are getting ready to move at the end of this month into a new space. It’s going to be about three times the size of our current space in Huntsville.

Glyna: Oh, wow!

Kerri Bailey: We’re really, really excited about that, getting geared up for the move. We have never had enough space in Huntsville to offer physical therapy and we’ve just hired our first Huntsville physical therapist, so we’re excited about that. When we move, we’ll be able to offer that service there as well.

Glyna: Oh, that’s exciting! I didn’t realize that either.

Kerri Bailey: Yeah, yeah!

Glyna: That’s a big move, especially right now with everything going on.

Kerri Bailey: It is. Yeah, it actually all kind of transpired before COVID, so it’s probably a good thing.

Glyna: It’s probably a good thing!

Kerri Bailey: Yeah, it’s probably a good thing because we probably would have chickened out if it had been after COVID, but anyway, it’s happening.

Glyna: Well, kids still need your services and things are starting to get back … I’m not going to say the N-word, “normal”.

Kerri Bailey: Yeah, yeah.

Sarah: I know. Talking a little bit more about your services. You talked about occupational therapy is a lot more misunderstood. I wanted to ask you a little bit more about it was feeding therapy. Does that fall under occupational therapy or is that a whole separate entity?

Kerri Bailey: Yeah, it does. It falls under occupational therapy. In some settings, you also find speech therapists working with feeding. It just kind of varies from place to place. It’s one of those things that there’s some overlap between speech therapy and occupational therapy. In our setting, most of the children we work with feeding difficulties, it is a sensory-based feeding disorder, it’s not a physical issue. It’s more a sensory or even a little bit of a psychological issue, so the occupational therapists address it because they’re the ones that really work on those underlying sensory issues like I talked about a minute ago. It may just be that the child can’t tolerate the texture in their mouth, they gag easily because of textural sensitivity. If it was more of a physical issue, where the child had a physical reason that they couldn’t swallow or couldn’t chew or couldn’t move their tongue a certain direction, in that case, it usually falls more under speech. It’s kind of how when we evaluate the child and determine what the underlying issue is, and of course, in a lot of cases, we work collaboratively together on it.

Sarah: And you see, you said, ADD, ADHD as well?

Kerri Bailey: We do.

Sarah: Because we had talked about that it’s not just severe disabilities that you see, a real spectrum. So that also falls under the services?

Kerri Bailey: Absolutely. Yeah, because a lot of children with attention-deficit are going to have some of the other problems that we’ve already talked about with the sensory processing. A lot of times that carries over with children with attention issues. Children with attention issues need help with self-regulation, which is basically the ability to recognize that, hey, my body is getting out of control, I’m not focused, and how to get themselves back into control. That’s something that our occupational therapists work on as well. We have a program that we developed ourselves, called Focal Point, which is an intensive program for children with attention-deficit.

Glyna: Wow, just so much. So many things. I also have a few more people joining us. I want to say good morning to Cindy Edmunds, Daniel Entrekin, Gayle Mason, and Kelsi, our Kelsi is joining us! You’re supposed to be on the beach, Kelsi!

Sarah: Yeah!

Glyna: Maybe she’s on the beach watching.

Sarah: Yeah, goodness.

Glyna: Did you have … I’m sorry, Sarah, did I run in front of you?

Sarah: Nope.

Glyna: Okay.

Sarah: Not at all.

Glyna: What age groups, Kerri, are we talking about that you see? What is the age range or what are the age ranges?

Kerri Bailey: Yeah, we see children all the way from infants through teenagers, so pretty much any aged child. We don’t see a lot of babies, but typically if we’re seeing a baby, it’s usually going to be either a baby with torticollis, which is a pretty common problem these days, where an outfit will develop tightness on one side of their neck and it prevents them from being able to be well aligned through their neck. Our physical therapists work with that. Sometimes it’s a result of the baby staying in one position too long. A lot of times these days, babies spend a lot of time in a carrier or a or something like that and they don’t get out on the … Back in our day, babies laid on the floor and in a playpen and that kind of thing. Those things don’t exist too much anymore. But sometimes that will result in a baby developing that torticollis in their neck. Our physical therapists are trained to address that and it’s usually corrected pretty quickly. Then we also have an occupational therapist who is specially trained in infant feeding. So if it’s a baby that’s having difficulty with nursing or bottle-feeding, she knows how to work with the baby and of course with the mom on how to address that. Then our older children, well, first of all, the majority of our children probably fall between the ages of three and nine. That’s the bulk of the kids that we see because a lot of times you don’t know that your child has any kind of a difficulty until they’re around three years old. Then those early school-age years, we address a lot of issues with that. But then when you get to the older kids, we see a lot of the older kids for speech that are still struggling with articulation problems and also with stuttering, or fluency, as a speech therapist would call it. My business partner, Deborah, that’s really always been her passion and her love, is working with people who stutter. Although she doesn’t directly work with clients anymore, she has trained a number of our speech therapist specifically in that area, so we do see a fair number of older children, and even some young adults. That’s one of the areas that we have even expanded a little bit above the teen years and sometimes we’ll say some young adults that are still struggling in the area of fluency.

Glyna: Interesting, gosh.

Sarah: Wow, I know. If you’re a parent and you’ve got concerns, what would be the initial process for their first evaluation? What are all the steps in that?

Kerri Bailey: Yeah. Well, the first thing they would do is just call our office, and of course, you’re going to call the one in your geographic location. They will just take you through a series of questions, and like I said, one of the first things they’re going to ask is what your concerns are so that we know how to best meet your needs. We will get some information from you about your insurance and your schedule and what kind of daily scheduling needs you would have. Then we will send you some forms to complete. One of the main things that we need back from a new parent is what’s called the Child Case History, because the therapist who is going to see the child will read over that and already have a pretty good knowledge of your child before you ever walk in the door. Depending on what kind of insurance you have and what type of services you’re getting, we might also need to get a prescription from your physician. We take care of that, we’ll call your doctor and get them to send over a prescription. Then once we have all that in place, we’ll give you a callback and get you on the schedule for your evaluation.

Glyna: Perfect. I think you have a lot of experience getting that all setup, don’t you?

Kerri Bailey: Yes, we do.

Glyna: Done it for a few years. We have Lavonne also, Lavonne Chaney, good morning. And Daniel has the same question that I was getting ready to ask you. There’s Daniel. How has the COVID, we call it the COVID crap and that’s probably not appropriate to talk about with child’s therapy, but how has it affected your business, and what things has Child’s Play Therapy done, or how’s it look at Child’s Play Therapy?

Kerri Bailey: Okay. Well, initially we closed like most everyone did, on March the 23rd and went completely to teletherapy. Teletherapy was a brand new venture for us. We had only one or two therapists on our staff who had ever done teletherapy before. The week before that, I guess that was the week of March the 16th, we knew that we were getting ready to close and we had a crash course on teletherapy. We continued to see children through that week of the 16th in the clinic as we prepared, and then beginning the 23rd, we went totally to teletherapy. Teletherapy, a lot of parents didn’t know what that meant. They thought, “Well, we’re just going to be on the phone with you. How in the world is that going to work?” Basically we have a platform that we use that’s called Clocktree, and you log on and we can see you and your child just like we’re seeing each other today. The therapist guides, of course, the parent has to be with the child or some adult has to be with the child, and the therapist will just help you use things that you have in your home, toys that you already have, or just regular household items. They just conduct the therapy session virtually. The therapists were very, very pleased with how well it worked. It also gave us some insight into the home and into the family that we didn’t have when the child was coming in. Especially, for example, with feeding. We have a lot of times that the parent will say, “Well, he’ll eat that for you in the clinic, but he won’t eat that at home,” and so when we were doing the therapy virtually, we were able to see the kid in their own kitchen with their mom and problem solve through why they weren’t having the same success at home that we were having in the clinic. So in a lot of ways, it was really beneficial to the children to do teletherapy. We reopened our clinic, did kind of a soft opening, the end of May, and then a full opening in June, but we’re still offering teletherapy as well. We’re doing what we call a hybrid model now because we’ve got some children that do really well coming into the clinic and not so great on teletherapy, so they’re able to come in, and then we are still able to offer the teletherapy for any families that aren’t comfortable bringing their child to the clinic just yet, or maybe the child or maybe the parent has underlying issues that makes them more vulnerable. We’re really thrilled right now to be able to offer either of those options. As far as the people that are coming into the clinic, we are taking a lot of precautions. Our waiting rooms at all three locations are closed. The therapists are meeting the parents at the doorway and bringing the children in. We’re still allowing one parent to come in with the child if they want to, but only one parent, no siblings. We’re screening everyone with temperature checks and screening questions of course. We all know those screening questions by heart by now. Also, just a lot, a lot of extra cleaning. Our therapists all have big tubs outside of their rooms and every single thing that they use in a therapy session that the child touches, or even that they touch, goes into that tub. Then we have folks that are coming around, grabbing those tubs, cleaning everything, and then returning them back. We’ve actually hired additional staff in order to be able to handle all that.

Glyna: Wow. How the world changes, huh?

Sarah: Yes, so much so. I mean, it really is. It’s just a different time right now. Kind of touching on that and all the new procedures in place and building that level of comfort with parents, you had mentioned that especially right now that all these changes can bring on some added anxiety, not only with the parents but also with the children.

Kerri Bailey: Right.

Sarah: What kind of tips, so to speak, for lack of a better word, would you suggest for any parents that are dealing with that type of new anxiety with this whole COVID?

Kerri Bailey: Yeah, sure. That we’re all facing, right?

Sarah: Right.

Kerri Bailey: I think the first thing would be just to model a positive attitude with your child because your child is definitely going to take their cues from you. If you model a positive and upbeat attitude, they’re going to carry that over. Also, regarding modeling, try to speak positively about decisions that other families may be making that are different from yours.

Glyna: Bite your tongue.

Kerri Bailey: Yeah, yeah. Especially right now where some families are choosing my child’s going to go back to school and some families are choosing my child’s going to stay at home. Just you can use words like, “Everybody’s doing the best they can right now and what’s best for them may not be the same thing that’s best for us,” just modeling encouraging thoughts and words. One of the main things is keeping a routine for your child. Every child, even when we’re not going through a crisis, every child functions better when they have a routine. But I think if you have a calendar that children can look at, that says what’s going to happen each day, that gives them a sense of security, a sense of sameness as the world seems to have gone crazy. We want to give them that sense of sameness. Have some things on that calendar that they can look forward to. Even very simple things, like Friday night’s going to be movie night or Tuesday’s going to be taco night, just so that they have happy things that they can see on their calendar that they’re looking forward to. Then have a lot of grace with your child right now, because as children are having anxiety just as we are as adults, as adults, we have ways, hopefully, that we can channel that in appropriate manner. But a lot of times for children, that’s going to come out in acting-out behavior, temper tantrums, meltdowns. Let’s be honest, we’d all probably love to have a good old meltdown right now, and so when your child does that, just have a little bit of extra patience and grace than maybe you would have had before, and just understand that kids are experiencing the same feelings that we are and they just express them in different ways.

Sarah: Yeah, that’s so important. It’s true. We don’t think that they’re picking up on things, but they absolutely are.

Kerri Bailey: Mm-hmm (affirmative), yep.

Sarah: Yeah. I think it’s your turn, is it not? Glyna, we got lost sometimes, don’t we?

Glyna: I don’t know. I’m just paying so much attention to what you’re saying, I’m so in my own head.

Sarah: That happens. We lose track when we just get right into it.

Glyna: Where are we, what are we doing?

Sarah: Yeah.

Glyna: Your website has so much information, especially they have bios of all the therapists, which I think you and I have talked about. Those are some of the most visited pages that people look at when they come. What should parents know about how each one of your therapists, the training and stuff that they’ve had at Child’s Play?

Kerri Bailey: Well, all of our therapists are licensed and certified. We require them to maintain the highest credentials. Of course, they have a wide range of experience. We have therapists who have many years of experience and some that don’t have as much experience, but when we hire therapists who are newer, our supervisors mentor them and make sure that they understand all of our policies and procedures and how to handle anything that might come up. We also provide a lot of training for our therapists. We want to make sure that all of our therapists are cutting edge with their skills, and that’s always been a very high priority for us.

Glyna: Fantastic. Well, Allen Young is joining us. He said, “I so wish I had all this info when my kids were younger.” It’s amazing all of the things that you can help families with, Kerri, and it’s so important to get that information out there.

Sarah: Yeah, very much so. I love the little bios that you have on each of the therapists, that’s so wonderful. In addition to that, you have a tremendous amount of resources that parents can come and read, of checking on milestones and a blog on activities. I mean, it’s absolutely wonderful. But I wanted to ask you, we talked about the initial evaluation process. What happens after that? So the first visit and when they come into your center, what are all the steps that they can look for?

Kerri Bailey: Yeah. The first visit is really going to be mostly about making the child feel at ease and developing a relationship with them. We want the child to feel like they came somewhere and played and had fun. It doesn’t need to feel anything like going to the doctor or anything like that. Then we also want to make sure we establish a good relationship with the parent at that first visit and find out truly what the parent’s concerns are. We ask questions like what would success look like for you, and we want to set goals that are important to the parent because as a therapist, I might be able to evaluate your child and come up with some goals, but if the biggest problem that your family is having right now is that your child doesn’t sleep through the night and I don’t address that, then maybe I’ve missed the whole point. It’s important for us to listen to the parent. Then we will do some observation of your child doing just some different play activities. Depending on whether they’re there for speech, occupational, or physical therapy, those activities are going to look really different. Then in most cases, we’ll do some formal testing at that point as well. Again, we try our best even to make that formal testing feel like play to the child, but it gives us some baseline information that we can set our goals and can measure progress from there. Usually, that first visit is going to be anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. The child’s going to leave there with a prize and feel like they had a great time.

Sarah: Yeah.

Glyna: Awesome. Tell us, what is your website address, because I know you have a lot of things on there, and tell us what you can find on your website as resources.

Kerri Bailey: Yeah our website, you got it down there?

Sarah: Yeah.

Kerri Bailey: There we go! It’s As was mentioned before, we have a tab on there specifically for parents, and it will answer some more questions about what that first visit looks like. There are frequently asked questions. We also have a tab that’s our blogs, and our therapists, who have different areas of expertise, will occasionally write a blog post for us about their area of expertise or even something like what we talked about today, about how to help children through anxiety. You’ll find all types of blog posts as well.

Glyna: Perfect. I also know the great source of information is your Facebook page. You guys have a lot of followers on your Facebook page, but you really have great information every single day, it seems like, on that. That’s also a fantastic resource.

Kerri Bailey: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Sarah: Yes, absolutely. So, and the phone number, if you want to reach out directly, of course, it depends upon the location, is that correct?

Kerri Bailey: It does.

Sarah: Yeah.

Kerri Bailey: The one on the scroll is our main location, but certainly if you go on our website, you can find the phone numbers for each location.

Glyna: Yeah, and again for the podcast, it’s You should be able to find all the info that you need there.

Kerri Bailey: Yes.

Glyna: Okay.

Sarah: Well, I want to say we get to the point we’re going to wrap up, but I want to ask if you have any current or upcoming programs, anything that we might need to know about or parents would like to hear about, of anything that’s in the works.

Kerri Bailey: Yeah. Unfortunately, we had to cancel all of our summer camps this year. This is the first year since we started the company that we haven’t had summer camps, which has been really sad, but we do still have some of our special programming, like the Focal Point program I mentioned earlier for attention deficit. We also offer Orton-Gillingham therapy, which is a strategy for reading and several of our speech therapists, you don’t really necessarily think about speech therapy with reading, but because of the connection of language to literacy, our speech therapists are very well equipped to work with children with reading problems. So we have that Orton-Gillingham, excuse me, program. Then let’s see. One thing I wanted to mention is that all of our therapists, or almost all of our therapists, have been trained in trauma-informed care. When you think about childhood trauma, this is children who have either been through hard places and hard experiences or currently are, maybe they’re in foster care or they’ve been adopted or they’ve been abused or even been through a divorce like we were saying earlier, we’ve kind of all been going through trauma right now, but our therapists have had some very specific training on how to work with children who have been in trauma situations.

Glyna: Wow. Yeah, that’s very important right now for sure.

Sarah: Oh, it is. It sure is.

Glyna: Well, Kerri, who are the best referral partners for you that can bring you more business? Who do you work best with?

Kerri Bailey: Well, most of our referrals come directly from parents, because the parent knows their child better than anybody and they usually are the first ones to have that gut feeling that something’s not quite right, but we also get referrals from physicians. Of course, that’s mostly pediatricians, but we also sometimes get referrals from psychologists, psychiatrists, even dentists, optometrist, and then teachers are a good referral source for us as well.

Glyna: Okay, fantastic. Well, can you think of anything that we haven’t mentioned or any … I know we’ve covered a lot of topics.

Kerri Bailey: We did.

Glyna: But anything else that you’d like to cover before we jump into the Hot Seat?

Kerri Bailey: I don’t think so. I think we’ve covered just about everything, but just know that our staff loves your child and they really will go above and beyond to make sure that you and your child have a good experience.

Glyna: Fantastic. Well, we’re going to do something a little bit fun here.

Kerri Bailey: Okay.

Glyna: It’s called the Hot Seat, so we’ll get ready for that.

Kerri Bailey: Okay.

Sarah: Yep, just going to switch it up real quick. It’s the Hot Seat.

Kerri Bailey: All right.

Glyna: Okay. This is just a little fun we like to have at the end of each segment, just kind of lighten things up a little bit.

Kerri Bailey: Okay.

Glyna: It’s only sixty seconds, so you can make it through.

Sarah: I’d better get myself ready here.

Glyna: Never fear, just say the first thing that comes to your mind when … Well, maybe not the first thing. Do you have the timer there, Sarah?

Sarah: I do. I do.

Glyna: All right. Okay, Kerri. Monopoly or checkers?

Kerri Bailey: Monopoly.

Glyna: Introvert or extrovert?

Kerri Bailey: Introvert.

Glyna: Goldfish or Cheez-Its?

Kerri Bailey: Goldfish.

Glyna: That kind of goes in line with what we’re talking about. Dark chocolate or white chocolate?

Kerri Bailey: White chocolate.

Glyna: Cooking or cleaning?

Kerri Bailey: Cooking.

Glyna: Flowers or candles?

Kerri Bailey: Candles.

Glyna: Boat or airplane?

Kerri Bailey: Boat.

Glyna: Leather or lace?

Kerri Bailey: Lace.

Glyna: Sneakers or flip flops?

Kerri Bailey: Flip flops.

Glyna: Amusement park or a water park?

Kerri Bailey: Water park.

Glyna: What is your favorite decade?

Kerri Bailey: I’d have to say the seventies.

Glyna: Okay. Do you prefer a drama or, excuse me, a drama or comedy show?

Kerri Bailey: Comedy.

Glyna: And what’s your favorite season of the year?

Kerri Bailey: Surprisingly, it’s summer. Even though it’s hot, I love summertime.

Glyna: Well, that’s the end of our Hot Seat. Thanks for playing along, we always have fun doing that.

Kerri Bailey: That felt pretty easy.

Glyna: Yeah, not too bad at all. We do want to thank you so much. That’s so much great information and we really appreciate you coming on with us this morning.

Kerri Bailey: Thank you all for having me. I enjoyed it.

Glyna: Well, we want to tell everybody thanks for joining us today and we will be back on Tuesday at eight for our Marketing Mix segment. We’ll also be back next week again for BizTalk, Friday at 8:00. We have Mary Margaret Lopez and Ashley Sellers with Hydro High. Until then, we’ll see y’all later.

Kerri Bailey: Bye.

Sarah: Bye.