How to Start a Podcast

Compared to other mediums, podcasts are relatively new, so there are tons of opportunities for you to show off your business on this platform.  According to a recent blog on, there are just under one million podcast episodes compared to over 500 million blogs and 31 million YouTube channels.

Of course, some categories are more saturated than others, so it is still a great idea to be creative when choosing a podcast idea.  After you decide on a topic or podcast idea, now what?  How do you go about creating a podcast?  We are glad you asked and have compiled a short checklist to get you going.

How to Start a Podcast


We Don’t Mind Sharing.  Here’s Your Podcast Checklist

We love sharing ideas with our customers and friends, and this is no different.  So, here is an excellent breakdown of the process and a checklist you can use to create your podcast.  Let’s get started on How to Start a Podcast in 2020

  1. Choose your show name. We would suggest something to carry the same brand through.  You will also want to use a search tool like Google to make sure no one else is using the same name.  Just like domain naming, this is harder than you would think.  LOL
  2. Define the format of your show, including what you want to accomplish with it. You could consider doing interviews, case studies, Q & A, Solving common mistakes, or a myriad of other topics.
  3. Create a professional graphic for your show that you can use as your podcast thumbnail and any advanced announcements of your show on social media.
  4. If you are creating a video first to convert to a podcast, use a quality microphone. This is to ensure the audio is the best it can be for the podcast.
  5. Choose your podcast platform. It is essential to syndicate your podcasts out to all the main podcast directories, including Apple, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Alexa, and more. **Our “superstar” find for this is  We love this platform because it gives you everything you need to host, promote, and track your podcasts all in one convenient, easy to use place.  It will also get your podcasts listed in all of the top podcast directories.
  6. Be consistent. If you start a podcast, you need to be willing to show up at the same time every week and produce good content.
  7. You have to let people know about your program.  Use blog posts, your website, email blasts, social media posts, and more to get the word out.  Announce upcoming shows, and reminders as the show gets closer.
  8. Other things to consider. If you are going to have guests, you will need to book them ahead of time and have a practice run, though.  Script out your show to make sure you stay on track. This is really important if you have co-hosts.

Hopefully, you can see the value of creating your podcast and how easy it can be.  Of course, if you need any advice or guidance, always feel free to contact us.  We would love to help.  And if you get a chance, please check out our podcast Marketing and a Mic!