If you do any kind of writing for a living, then you know the importance of staying well read. Reading frequently allows us to keep our skill-set sharp. It also allows us to be exposed to other writing styles and apply them to our own craft.
Whether you’re a freelance writer who writes long-form journalism or a ghost writer who works for a variety of publications, reading these blogs will help freshen your approach.
1. Longform
Founded in 2010, Longform features non-fiction pieces from around the world. This site curates some of the best writing from a wide range of writers. Specifically focusing on longer writing (pieces are considered to be long if they exceed 2,000 words), Longform captures in-depth journalism that does more than glaze over topics. Subscribe to their newsletter to get some of the best writing sent straight to your inbox. (They also have a great podcast, too. Tune in to get some of the best tips from renowned writers).
2. Roads and Kingdoms
Named after The Book of Roads & Kingdoms, a phenomenal early travelogue written in the 11th century by Abu Abdullah al-Bakri in Córdoba, Roads and Kingdoms is dripping with beautiful language about colorful places from around the world. Focusing on travel, food and politics, R&K takes an informal approach to travel writing. By often “going off the beaten path,” this blog showcases people and places that might have never been exposed otherwise.
3. Bitter Southerner
If you’re from the South (or just love any state below the Mason Dixon line), then subscribe to the Bitter Southerner right now. Bitter Southerner shatters a lot of stereotypes while working to expose what it truly means to be “southern.” Featuring essays from writers across the region, Bitter Southerner provides in-depth essays discussing anything from biscuits to dealing with modern-day racial tensions.