Video is everything.
Did you know, for example, that 43% of people want to see more video content from marketers? Or that 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI? (statistic via Hubspot)
Considering those impressive numbers, it’s no wonder that social media’s biggest powerhouse — Facebook — has made video an integral part of its user experience. Facebook Live is reshaping the way we communicate through social media. By going live, businesses can reach their audience in a more direct, more relatable way. Facebook Live videos are great for introducing products, getting customer feedback and so much more.
Here are just a few ways you can make your Facebook Live videos more attractive:
1. Find the best time
Thanks to Facebook’s large heap of statistical data, you can find out what time of the day most of your followers are skimming through their newsfeed. Once you determine that time, schedule your Facebook Live video to hit then. Even though Facebook will save your video for viewers to watch later, having a large live audience still works in your favor for gaining high engagement levels.
2. Promote your video
Leading up to your Facebook Live video, let our followers know that you’re going live and what you’ll be talking about. That way viewers can anticipate your video and you can create “hype” around your video.
3. Invest in a tripod
If your video lasts longer than five minutes, chances are whoever is holding the phone will get fatigued. Steer clear of shaky videos and invest in a tripod, which will be give your live stream a more polished look.
4. Add a banner
There are several apps popping up that allow you to create a custom banner that’ll appear at the bottom of your video. We like using Switcher — an easy-to-use app that lets you import your own designs that’ll show up on your video.
5. Use a high-quality lens
Clarity can go a long way when it comes to creating a great looking video. If you don’t have the latest phone or fancy video equipment, investing in a clip-on lens can be the next best option. We’ve used OlloClip and found it to be one of the best options on the market right now.