Website Trend: Dark Mode Web Design

dark mode

Hello darkness, my old friend. Easy on the eyes, saves energy, and added visual appeal. These are 3 of the most popular reasons more and more websites are shifting into dark mode design.

We’ve already seen this dark-colored theme and “night mode” trend available from well-known brands like WhatsApp, Instagram, Google, Facebook, and Apple. Users have the option to switch their screen to dark mode, which turns your display into a light-on-dark theme and changes the fonts to white. This design trend has turned traditional web design on its head since the majority of interfaces have been created with a white background in mind.

However, there’s more to this than changing looks. The research behind the design concept is that in addition to a more sleek and appealing style, the end result of the dark mode design has shown to be friendlier on your eyes. It also enhances the legibility and readability of your website or other application, which means a better overall user experience.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at the dark mode web design and the benefits it can provide.

Easy On Your Eyes

In dark mode, every aspect of your website has been flipped. Instead of being black, the typography is now bright, and backgrounds that are typically white, are now dark. The theory behind this principle is that instead of a bright glare of the screen attacking your pupils and causing you to squint, screens are more soothing and tolerable. With this new contrast, the white font now becomes predominant, making for improved readability.

Many brands are already auto-adjusting the light of your device at night or in low-light conditions. The mechanics behind this is that the majority of online users spend their time reading at night. Staring at a bright screen for a prolonged period of time in the dark creates more strain on your eyes, thus more effort to focus.

Saves Energy

Dark mode can actually save the battery life on your device. Considering the fact that white pixels require more battery in order to achieve the brightness effect, more power will need to be pulled from your device with light backgrounds.

According to a recent test by PhoneBuff, switching to dark mode can extend your smartphone’s battery by 30%, which means several extra hours of usage. There’s one caveat: only smartphones with OLED screens will see battery life improvement, as OLEDs expend less energy when the screen is dark.

Visual Appeal

Black is a color synonymous with elegance, sophistication, and power. It also helps as a highlighting tool. Often considered the absence of all colors, black helps other colors stand out on a page. Thus, when a dark background is paired with a few large, high-contrast images, the final results are stunning.

Dark mode interface is ideal for making visual applications and websites stand out. The deep, heavy backgrounds provide a perfect high-contrast backdrop for images, graphics, videos, and visuals of any shape or color.

Color psychology also impacts the emotional appeal. As a result, dark websites and applications tend to evoke stronger emotions rather than lighter ones. Black can pull feelings of strength, confidence, and authority.


Using a dark color theme in your web design is not a one-size-fits-all concept. However, if done correctly with the right color scheme, a dark website can give a high-quality look to your brand, and attract your audience with its aesthetics and legibility.

If you’re looking for design inspirations to help build or revamp your website, please contact us directly at