Responsive Websites are Now Necessary
What device are you accessing the Internet from right now? Chances are it is your iPhone or another smartphone or tablet. More people use their smartphones to access the Internet than a computer in 2015. If your website isn’t mobile-ready, it is past time to make that transition. With so many people using a phone or other mobile device to access the Internet, you’re certainly missing out on the potential of thousands of customers who cannot see your website or simply don’t want the hassle of using a site that hasn’t been mobilized.
Benefits of a Responsive Website
When you ensure that your website is mobile ready, the user has a better overall experience when accessing your site from their mobile device. Rather than have to zoom in and out, a responsive website fits accurately on the page, with images resized and resolution reworked to look great on these devices.
Your responsive website can do pretty much all of the same things that your website can do, only in a slimmed-down version. Want to get a customer to make a purchase? You can do that. Want them to read articles that you have posted on your site? That is also possible. When you mobilize your website you have the world in your hands.
Here are a few statistics that will help you better understand the importance of having a responsive website:
80% of all individuals have a mobile phone. 65% of those phones are smartphones.
The average individual will use their mobile device to access the Internet 5 to 6 times each day.
Most people who use their smartphone to access the Internet do so to make a purchase.
Text marketing, or sending coupons, deals and special offers via a text message, is the most popular and preferred method of marketing for customers.
You reach individuals who do not have access to a computer, so there is a good chance of increasing business and profits
With a mobilized site you are staying in competition with the rest of the companies who have modernized their approaches to marketing.
More people access the Internet via cell phones than other devices, including computers
When you mobilize your website you can certainly experience an increase in audience, bigger and better profits and an abundance of other enjoyable benefits. Now is the time to step up to today’s technology. You’ll love what it does for your business.