How to Create a Great Email Signature

How many emails do you send every day? Some studies suggest the average worker sends about 40. Forty! That’s a lot of correspondence. It’s also a lot of opportunity to show your brand in the best light and get people to opt in to whatever campaign you’re promoting.

email signature

Email signatures should be short, aesthetically pleasing and informative. Like anything else you do, your signature represents your business.


Here’s a breakdown of all the key elements you need to create a great email signature: 

1. Your logo

Your logo is your calling card. It clearly identifies your brand and should be on your storefront (if you have one), your business card and your email signature. Including your logo creates innate brand recognition. It also adds a graphic element to your signature, breaking up lines of gray text with a pop of color.

2. You contact information

This one is a no-brainer. We live in a world where if someone can’t find your phone number, they’re not reaching for the Yellow Pages. They’re scrolling through their inbox and looking for your last email. Depending on what kind of business you operate, your email signature should always include a direct line that you don’t mind being contacted on. Some small businesses will include their cell phone numbers. This is totally up to you and the amount of availability you have.

3. Your website

Since your website is where you house all the good stuff — a list of your services, testimonials, photos, etc. — it should always have a home in your email signature. This way, your email signature can act as another outlet where people can find out more about your business by visiting your website.

4. Your social media handles

Similar to including your website in your email signature, adding your social media handles gives people another way to interact with you and your business. It also shows that you’re social — aka, you’re “with the times” and understand there are a million and one ways to communicate with people, and social media is one of them!